Monday, August 16, 2010

Bites that bother and bites that kill

Epidemic malarial deaths and environmental dogma

Paul Driessen compares the deaths from bites of malaria-bearing mosquitoes in Africa to the bothersome outbreak of New York City bedbugs. His findings are troubling. It is a case where environmental dogma costs countless lives.

Many don't even want to monitor mosquito and malaria outbreaks or determine actual success in reducing disease and death rates. That would be more difficult and expensive than counting the number of bed nets distributed and would underscore the embarrassing reality that their "comprehensive" (and politically correct) insecticide-free programs achieve only 20 percent to 40 percent reductions in morbidity and mortality. By contrast, as South Africa and other countries have demonstrated, adding insecticides and DDT can bring 95 percent success.

We would never consider 20 percent to 40 percent fewer deaths a "success" for American children. Why should Africa?

Since the Environmental Protection Agency banned DDT in 1972 - after the United States and Europe had eradicated malaria - billions have been stricken by the vicious disease, and tens of millions have died. That is intolerable.

We need adult supervision and informed debate on pesticide policies, laws and regulations. We can no longer leave those decisions to unaccountable anti-chemical activists in pressure groups and government agencies. These zealots are making decisions that determine the quality of life for millions of Americans, especially poor families - and life itself for billions of malaria-threatened people worldwide

If you're not concerned for the economic and mental health of Americans afflicted by bedbugs - then at least support responsible, ethical policies for Africa's sick, brain-damaged and dying parents and children.

Read it all here.

Hat tip: Glenn Reynolds.

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