The path to the impossible
What is the path to finding the impossible?
The path to what the world calls impossible is a path not of this world.
If one lives according to the wisdom of the world, one will not claim the impossible. One must be willing to live by Divine wisdom, and that is foolishness to the world.
The path to the impossible is a path foolish in the eyes of the world.
A call is impossible.
A call will not be thought wise by the wisdom of the world.
“Beware when all people speak well of you,” said our Lord.
“The wisdom of God is foolishness to the world, yet the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of the world.”
What is the path to finding the impossible?
The path to the impossible is a path where humans dare to claim Divine rights, rights won by Christ, union with Christ. The path to the impossible is a path where humans dare to live out the call.
The path to the impossible is at first an impossible path, but in Christ it becomes a path of miracles -- the possibility of God through union with God’s will. The path to the impossible is a path of calling, which in itself is not possible. It is the path where, in Divine audacity, humans speak impossible words into the air, and by the Divine Word, find them real: wounding, yet healing, destroying, yet binding up…into eternal glory.
Never are humans more audacious than when they dare the call: they claim the promises of God in the courts of prayer, and find what they speak is impossible in human terms. Yet it is that which they claim, and find, and live…holy love!
What is the path to finding the impossible?
The path to the impossible is a path of Divine love. Divine love calls out our name into the night, and we find that call impossible, yet somehow we respond…and are changed into the impossible. We hear such voice and find our lives resonating with music from another world…ordered dance: holy union with God and true union with one another.
But in this dance people begin to look at us and say we speak impossible things.
May it be so! For only thus will we lead on the path to the impossible!
It is beyond audacity, but to such we have been called: let us claim our right in the courts of God, and live Divine impossibility, boldly, wisely, honestly – never minding past failures or present fears.
For this is our true self in Christ: finding Life on the impossible path!
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