Saturday, May 14, 2005

From lovers' leap to eternal Love

God + one = miracle.

James Rutz tells the story of a 90-year-old Chinese lady who wondered what she could do for the Lord. She had several strikes against her: her gender, her age, and her country…to name a few. Following Christ isn’t exactly smiled upon by the Chinese State! And who would listen to her anyway – “just a woman,” an aged woman?

Well, she prayed to win people for Christ. And the Lord gave her an idea. Near her home was a notorious ‘Lovers’ Leap,’ where people in despair of love and life would go to commit suicide.
God brought this place to her mind. So, following His lead, she went to this cliff and put up a simple sign saying, “Before you commit suicide, come and see me at ___________” [her address].

People started coming. And she shared Jesus! From this lady they heard eternal truth, something of which human love was only an echo and sign: The Love of Christ. And she led around 5,000 people to Christ.

It doesn’t take much. Just God and one person who will listen and follow, regardless of the strikes against her.

What can I do? I'm only one... I'm only a man... I'm only a woman... I'm only a youth...

You are enough for a miracle, in Christ, in obedience!

God + one obedient child = kingdom life, miracles.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to listen honestly, to hear You clearly and follow obediently. Touch me and cleanse me, spirit, soul and body. Open my eyes and clear my ears, so that I can receive what You are saying, and live boldly into Your kingdom, for Your great glory and the salvation of Your dear, lost children, Amen.

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